Tuesday, 22 July 2008

Spermatozoons Turn Somersaults – Absurdities of the 21st century!

Misinformation in a society which strikes by an unlimited access to information still doesn't cease to wonder me. And however...

There are lots of women among us who picture the spermatozoon as a kind of god gifted with supernaturalism and transcendent power. Spermatazoons endowed with GPS, smart heads, vibrating tails and an incredible ability to make virgins get pregnant - Voila!

They are capable to turn head over heels, cut somersaults and have elaborate springboards. They discreetly hide in toilets, on the edge of the tub and even in a soft, warm cotton towel. They lie doggo. But once they get in touch with a woman's genitals they turn three somersaults in the air, give a shriek, a kind of “Over the top!” and fertilize the poor ovule who's over seven seas and mountains...

That's the story ...
“Hi, I need an advice, an opinion, a suggestion. I am 17. Virgin. And very confused. My period has come a week later than usual. Actually, my menstrual cycle is not regular, but anyway I didn't expect such a delay. Can I get pregnant if a drop of liquid has spotted my genitals? I've flushed the toilet. However, what if a man's urine contains spermatozoons? I am very agitated. I've found a great deal of suppositions.

For instance they say that spermatozoons do not survive in liquid environment. The urine is very acidic and these beings hardly survive over there or water contains chloride which kills spermatozoons, too. I am so anxious! My friends told me to chill out. What do you say? Is my imagination too rich? Or maybe I need better reasons to doubt?!”

Gee! I've heard myriads of such stupid females' fears... A bundle of funny and truly amusing tales... But that's so absurdly, dear ladies!

It's the 21st century, womankind! It's impossible and inexcusable for you to come with such weird questions and fears!

Yes! A sex session, be it safe or unprotected could make you become a mom. But once the coitus doesn't take place - Ciao babies, diapers and milky breasts! You've lost your first chance of getting pregnant!

Moreover, remember! The spermatozoons' life span is around a few weeks if housed in a man's testicles. Inside a woman's tight opening they don't live longer than 2 days. While out of these areas of coverings - they don't survive! They simply do not exist! No, no, no!

Conclusion: there are no spermatozoons with special appliances and pregnancy occurs exclusively after an unprotected sexual contact!

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

Sex toys for men

Vibrators are popular not only among women; men also have their special vibrating friends. Even female vibrator can give sexual pleasure to men, and you both will use your sex toy.

Man will never stop worry about his competitive abilities in comparison with her buzzing little friend, that’s why you, guys, should learn how to get real pleasure with vibrator. Also, it will be great if you will know how to use special sex toys for men.

Artificial vagina may become a good assistant for man. Some vaginas represent simple holes from soft bendable materials, others repeat the shape of female genitals very realistically.

By the way, exclusive sex toys of such type are made of porn stars moulds. Some artificial vaginas have pumps and vibrating mechanism to enhance pleasurable sensations.