Tuesday, 29 January 2008

Why don’t we make sex like porn actors?

Let’s compare moments in adult movies and in our private life.

89% of men and 47% of women go to bed naked and 93% of women take down all the ornaments before sex.

An adult movie actor is never naked in full; women always have earring, men chain on their neck. It looks more sexual if there is some ornament on your body.

Vivid and shining things on your naked body spellbind. What you want to remain? Lacy lingerie on the woman or chain at the man neck - you decide.

What is the best place to have sex?
96% of couples have sex in their marital bed solely.
In the sex movies actors have sex in the most incredible places; on the billiard-table, on the sill and even on the antechamber rug. And it’s wonderful!

When the couples which lose interest to sex came to sexologist, the first advices he give is – change the place you sex having. It arouse much better than Viagra.
Just try!

It’s not a problem to find convenient place for sex in your apartment. For example - active washer. You will get unusual sensation from power external vibrator.

35% of men and 18% of women speak intimate complements or express the delight when having sex.

Sex movie actors expressed each other incessantly. And it’s not casually. The words sex partners speak in time of having sex psychologists call “label”. The “label” marks the sensation you get and at the next time this words calls the same sensation.

Don’t be silent. Comment your sensations. Sometimes your phrases could be funny, but as scientists prove laugh arouse.

Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Sex is a cure

Intimacy brings much more benefit besides momentary delight.

Sex – is one of the main important factors in neurological disease treatment. In time of orgasm our organism produced endorphin and serotonin. Endorphin is also known as “hormone of happiness”. But serotonin helps to cope with the stress.

Insomnia no longer disturbs.
As resources affirm, insomnia no longer disturbs people who have sex regularly. It all because off endorphin which not only gives the senses of happiness but relax your body causes sleepiness.

Sex clears your organism.
In time of having sex the blood starts “moving” quickly. Your breath become more frequent, the blood concentrates with oxygen. In the same time through the skin is coming out toxins and heavy metals.

Your figure became slender.
More often in time of wild sex you did so highly sensitive physical movements that you couldn’t do in your fitness classes. Such training keeps your muscles in good physical state. Besides, sex burns at the average of 150 to 200 calories.

Thursday, 17 January 2008

Do you get orgasm during sex?

American scientists carry out women public opinion poll concerning they private life. Here is the result:

Today more and more women gate orgasm during sex. Fresh statistic shows that 20-30 years old women have such pleasure in two times frequently than in 1994.

Each third woman during sex fancy she have sex with one more person. 65 percent of examine women honestly said partner if they don’t get orgasm, but 2 percent hide this, allegedly everything is all right.

Seven from ten announced that just in case have condoms in handbag. A half of examines women are not ready for sex in the first appointment but wait for second or third appointment.

Off course sex is very important but 90% of women things that for best relations is also required friendly relations. Most of examined women have sex two times a week but one of five - one time in month.